Матка и нејзините природни богатства
Angelovski, P., Sapkarev, J., Karaman B. & Smiljkov, S., (1994): Qualitative composition and qvantitative relations of the macrozoobenthos from Lake Prespa, – Ann., Biol., Skopje, 47: 5-21.
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Smiljkov, S. & Sapkarev, J., (1998): Taxonomical investigations of chironomid larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from waters of the lowland region of Ohrid Valley, Ann., Biol., Skopje.51:44-49.
Smiljkov, S., (2001): Ecology and dynamics of Chironomidae fana larva (Diptera> Chironomidae) from Ohrid Lake. Contributions, Sec.Biol.Med.Sci. MASA,, XXII 1-2. 47-56.
Smiljkov, S., Tasevska, O. & Kostovski, G., (2002): The rotifera fauna of the north-western littoral zone of Lake Ohrid, Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., XXIII/1-2: 79-90.
Smiljkov, S. & Slavevska-Stamenkovic,V., (2004): Seasonal biocenological investigations of the Mantovo reservoir and the mouth of the river Kriva Lakavica, Natura Montenegrina No 3: 311-325.
Smiljkov, S., Trajanovski, S. & Budzakoska-Goreska, B., (2005): Biocenotic composition of the macrozoobenthos on different habitats from the littoral region of Lake Ohrid, Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., XXIV/2: 143-155.
Smiljkov, S. & Slavevska-Stamenkovic,V., (2006): Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae fauna from the Mantovo reservoir and the mouth of river Kriva Lakavica, Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS). Proceedings, Topic 6: Lakes, p.1-12.
Smiljkov, S., Budzakoska-Goreska, B., Sapkarev, J. & Trajanovski, S. (2007): Dominant species of the Gastropod fauna from the littoral region in Lake Ohrid of R. Macedonia, Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., XXVIII/1: 137-144.
Slavevska-Stamenković, V., Smiljkov, S., & Paunović, M. (2008). Assessment of lake ecological status using benthic macroinvertebrates: A case study on Mantovo Reservoir (South-East part of the Republic of Macedonia), The 37th Annual Conference of the Yugoslav Water Pollution Control Society “Water 2008”, Mataruška Banja, 2008, Book of Papers. 1, 201-206 (in Serbian).
Slavevska-Stamenković, V., Smiljkov, S., and Stafilov, T (2008). Influence of the summer stratification on the presence of manganese, iron and cooper in Mantovo Reservoir, Proceedings of the 3th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Struga, Republic of Macedonia, Oct 6-9, 2007; Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society. 128-134.
Smiljkov, S., Slavevska-Stamenković, S. V., Prelić, D., & Paunović, M (2008). Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Mantovo Reservoir (South-East part of the R. Macedonia), Proceedings of the Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS), Ohrid, May 27-31, 2008;
Smiljkov, S., Slavevska-Stamenković, S. V., & Paunović, M (2008). Assesment of lake ecological status using benthic macroinvertebrates: Study on Mantovo reservoir (south-east part of the R. Macedonia), Mataruska banja, WATER 2008-Conference Proceedings, p.p. 201206.
Stojanovski, S., Hristovski, N., Smiljkov, S., Cakic, P. & Atanasov, G. (2008).: Fauna monogenenean trematodes-parasites of cyprinid fish from lake Dojran (Macedonia), Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica, 7(3):389398.
Slavevska-Stamenković, V., Stafilov, T., Smiljkov, S., and Paunovic, M.,(2009): The quality of watwr of the Mantovo reservoir (R. Macedonia), Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 61(3), 501-512.
Smiljkov, S., Bakeva, V., Stojanova L. (2011): Physical – Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water in Kochani, Republic of Macedonia, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2011 - Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1314-2704, June 20-25, Vol. 2, pp. 939-946
S.Smiljkov, V.Bakeva, M.Zikov: Statistical Analyses of Water Level of Ohrid Lake, Conference Proceedings: Water Resources. Forest, Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013, pp.301-308
Zikov, M., Bakeva, V., Smiljkov, S., Slavevska, V., Stojanova, I. (2013): Changes in Rain-Sum in Prilep and Environment in the Period from 1924 to 2010 and their Impact to the Grasshoppers Saltatoria (Insecta: Ortopthera) that have a Special Influence on the Agriculture, online Proceedings of UNESCO sponsored 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 0656:1-0656:8
B. Rimcheska, G. Georgieva, V. Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, S. Smiljkov, Y. Uzunov, D. Mitic-Kopanja: New Data about Occurrence of Epibiotic Branchibdellid (Annelida: Branchiobdellea) Species on the Stone Crayfish Austropotamobius (Schrank, 1803) in the Republic of Macedonia – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 66 (2), p. 261-263, 2014
M. Paunovic, V. Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, S. Smiljkov, D. Prelic, M. Ristovska, V. Kostov, I. Shoreva, B. Rimcheska: The Status of the Mantovo Reservoir and Management Perspectives - Water Research and Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 23-27, 2015
V.Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, B. Rimcheska, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, M. Ristovska, S.Smiljkov, M. Paunovic, D. Prelic: New Data on Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera from the Republic of Macedonia – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 68 (2), p. 199-206, 2016
Dafina Klekovska, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, Stoe Smiljkov, Jelena Hinic, Katerina Rebok and Biljana Janeska: Forensic use of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann 1819): the first cases indicating postmortem interval for human corpses in Republic of Macedonia (2017). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5(2): 320-323
S. Stojanovski, D. Blazekovikj-Dimovska, S. Smiljkov, L. Velkova-Jordanoska: Summury of significant parasitic infections in Mollusca – International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2018 (Serial Number 29)
Smiljkov, S: Qvalitative and qvantitative constituents of the macrozoobenthos in the artificial lake Matka and lower part of Treska river, VI Croatian Biological Congress, Opatija, 1997
Michailova, P. & Smiljkov, S.: Karyosystematics of species of plumosus group (Chironomidae,Diptera) from some Macedonian lakes, Ohrid, 1998.
Smiljkov, S. & Spasenovska-Kirova, S. (2006): The Dominant Invertebrate groups macrozoobethos from the upper flow of the River Treska, Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS). Abstracts. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. 23-26 05.2006.
Smiljkov, S. & Slavevska-Stamenkovic,V. (2006): Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae fauna from the Mantovo reservoir and the mouth of river Kriva Lakavica, Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS). Abstracts. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. 23-26 05.2006.
Smiljkov, S. & Slavevska-Stamenkovic,V. (2006): Pollution of the river Sateska as main source for eutrophication of Ohrid Lake, Institute of geography. Scientific symposium with international participation. Ohrid 30.03-01.04.2006.
Hristovski, S., Smiljkov, S., Tomovska, Dz., Popovich, E., Kostich, D. (2006): Helmintofauna of Rana kurtsmulleri Gauda, 1940 Sin. Rana balcanica Shneider et Sinish (Anura Ranidae) from Dojran Lake, Macedonia and Greece, 9th Croatian Biological Congress, Rovinj 23.09 – 29.09.2006.
Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V. & Smiljkov, S. (2007): Profundal fauna as indicator of tropic status of Mantovo Reservoir, III congress of ecologists of Republic of Macedonia with international participation, Struga 06.10. – 09.10.2007.
Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V., Smiljkov, S. & Stafilov, T. (2007): Influence of summer stratification on the present of manganese, iron and cooper in Mantovo Reservoir, III congress of ecologists of Republic of Macedonia with interbational participation, Struga 06.10.2007-09.10.2007.
Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V. & Smiljkov, S. (2007): Benthos tipology of Mantovo Reservoir, 12th World Lake Conference, Jaipur (India) 28.10. – 02.11.2007.
Smiljkov, S., Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V., Prelikj, D. & Paunovikj, M. (2008): Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Mantovo Reservoir (South-East part of R.Macedonia), Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS), Ohrid 27.05 – 31.05.2008.
Smiljkov, S., Kungulovski, Dz., Ceјkov, L. & Sashpazova, S. (2008): Physico-chemical and microbiological analyses of drinking water springing from Lukar and river Crna Reka, Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS), Ohrid 27.05 – 31.05.2008.
Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V., Smiljkov, S. & Paunovikj, M. (2008): Procjena ekološkog statusa jezera na osnovu bentonskih makroinvertebrata: Studija akumulacije Mantovo (Jugoistočni deo Republike Makedonije). 37 Konferencija o korišćenju i zaštita vode, Mataruška Banja 03.06 – 06.06.2008.
Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V., Stafilov, T., Smiljkov, S., Paunovikj, M. & Hristovski, S. (2008): Water Quality Characteristicsof Mantovo Reservoir, Republic of Macedonia, International Conference 6th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Denizli, 09.10 – 12.10.2008.
Smiljkov, S., Gareska.B. & Sapkarev, J. (2009): Dominant Macroinvertebrat Species in River Sateska as the Bigest Influent in Ohrid Lake, 9th International Scientific Conference & EXPO SGEM 2009. Albena 14.06 – 19.06.2009.
Zawal, A.. Stojanovski, & Smiljkov, S. (2009): Preliminary Investigations on Odonata from the Lake Ohrid (Macedonia) – Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium. Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL5, Ohrid 07.09.-11.09.2009.
Smiljkov, S., Stojanova, L., Garevska, B.& Stojanovski, S. (2009): Chirnomid larva fauna (Diptera:Chironomidea) from River Daljan-Tributary of Lake Ohrid – Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium. Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL5, Ohrid 07.09.-11.09.2009.
Smiljkov, S., Budzakoska-Goreska, B., Sapkarev, J.& Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, V. (2009): Dominant species of the gastropod fauna from the littoral region in Lake Ohrid of R. Macedonia, 10th Croatian Biological Congress, Osjek 14.09 – 20.09.2009.
S.S. Stojanovski, A Zawal, G. Atanasov, A. Cvetkovic, S. Smiljkov, 2010: A Contribution to the knowedge of the parasite fauna of the EEL ( ANGUILLA ANGUILLA LINAEUS, 1758) in Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, Conference abstracts, ICOPA XII, Melbourne 2010.
V. Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, M. Paunovic, S. Smiljkov, T. Stafilov, D. Prelic, M. Ristovska, Z. Gacic, A. Atanackovic: Factors affecting distribution pattern of dominant macroinvertebrates in Mantovo Reservoir (Republic of Macedonia) – Biologia 67/6: 1129-1142, Section-Zoology, 2012
Stojmir Stojanovski, Lidija Velkova-Jordanoska, Dijana Blažeković-Dimovska, Stoe Smiljkov, Jelena Lujic, 2013: New findings of parasite fauna of Ohrid moranec ( Pachychilon pictum Heckel & Kner, 1858) ( Teleostei: Cyprinidae ) from Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, Annual Zoological Congress of “Grigore Antipa” Museum, Book of Abstracts Bucharest-Romania 20-23 November 2013-Romania
Stoe Smiljkov, Dimitar Gusheski, Lidija V. Jordanoska, Stojmir Stojanoski, 2014: Qualitative analysis of leech fauna (Hirudinea) from river Daljan – Lake Ohrid (Macedonia), Congress Center Academia, Stara Lesna-The high Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Book of abstracts May 25-30, 2014
S.Stojanovski, J. Rokicki, N. Karabolovski, L. Velkova-Jordanoska, S. Smiljkov, D. Blažeković-Dimovska, 2014: Helmnth fauna of Ohrid Gudgeon (Gobio ohridanus Karaman,1924) from the Lake Ohrid (Macedonia), Congress Center Academia, Stara Lesna-The high Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Book of abstracts May 25-30, 2014
L. Velkova-Jordanoska, S. Smiljkov, S. Stojanovski, G. Kostoski, 2014: Histopatological analysis of liver in fish population of reservoir “Strezevo” (R. Macedonia), Congress Center Academia, Stara Lesna-The high Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Book of abstracts May 25-30, 2014
Smiljkov, Stoe; Verica Bakeva; Ljupcho Nastoski; 2014: Dominant species of Chironomidae Fauna Larva (Insecta: Diptera) from Prespa Lake, Republic of Macedonia, Wetlands Biodiversity and Services: Tools for Socio-Ecological Development, International Conference Wetlands 2014.
Valentina Slavevska-Stamenković, Momir Paunović, Trajce Stafilov, Stoe Smiljkov, Katerina Rebok, Vasil Kostov, Milica Ristova, Dana Prelić, 2014: Review of the diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates from the river Bregalnica, Symposium, Research in the field of environment and materials, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts 21-22 november 2014.
Dafina Klekovska, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenković, Evgenij Cehlarov, Borislav Georgiev, Stoe Smiljkov, 2014: Contribution to the knowledge of necrophagous coleopteran and diptera species in Republic of Macedonia, Symposium, Research in the field of environment and materials, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts 21-22 november 2014.
Irina Shoreva, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenkovik, Stoe Smiljkov, Snezana Stankovik-jovanovik, Momir Paunovik, 2014: New data about gastropod fauna in the ancient Lake Prespa. Symposium, Research in the field of environment and materials, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts 21-22 november 2014.
Yanka Vidinova, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenković, Biljana Rimchevska, Violeta Tyufekchieva, Stoe Smiljkov, Dana Prelić, Milica Ristovska, Momir Paunović : Contribution to the knowledge of ephemeroptera, plecoptera and trichoptera (EPT) species from Republic of Macedonia, Union of Scientsts in Bulgaria section Biology; Seminar of Ecology-2015 with international participation 23-24 April 2015.
S. Smiljkov, D. Gusheski, V. Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, R. Ilieska, K. Krstevska, S. Stojanovski: Qualitative analysis of representatives from Annelides (Oligochaeta and Hirudinea) from Kumanovo bath – 12. Hrvatski biološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Sveti Martin na Muri, LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin 18.-23. IX 2015
S.Smiljkov, R. Ilieska, M. Zikov, D. Gusheski, S. Nakova: Qualitative composition of the leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) of Prespa Lake – Republic of Macedonia – RCMNS Interim Colloqium Lake – Basin – Evolution, Stratigraphy, Geodynamics, Climate and Diversity of Past and Recent Lacustrine Systems, 20-24 May 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
M. Kratovalieva-Stanikevska, S. Smiljkov, S. Kratovalieva: Monitoring of San Jose Scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) occurrence in Republic of Macedonia, 2nd Croatian Symposium on Invasive Species, 21-22 November 2016 Zagreb, Croatia.
S. Smiljkov, R. Ilieska, L. Avramovska, S. Stojanovski, D. Blazhekovikj-Dimovska: Preliminary investigations of dominant groups of the macrozoobenthos of Mavrovo Lake – Interantional Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS) 2017, 5-10 June 2017, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
S. Smiljkov, R. Ilieska, S. Zvonko, C. Marija, G. Dimitar, Gj. Filip: Chironomid larvae fauna (Insecta: Diptera) in the regimen of carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in the lake Matka – Interantional Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS) 2017, 5-10 June 2017, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
S. Stojanovski, D. Blazekovikj-Dimovska, N. Hristovski, S.Smiljkov, L. Velkova-Jordanoska, G. Bunevski: Monogenean trematods of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from Dojran Lake, Macedonia - Interantional Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS) 2017, 5-10 June 2017, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
D. Blazekovikj-Dimovska, S. Stojanovski, S.Smiljkov, L. Velkova-Jordanoska – Protozoan parasites in fish from farms in Republic of Macedonia - International Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS) 2017, 5-10 June 2017, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
Stoe Smiljkov, Verica Bakeva, Radmila Ilieska: Seasonal dynamics of chironomid fauna (Diptera, Chironomidae) of the Ohrid Lake – 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, 2-8 July 2017, Trento, Italy.
Smiljkov, S., Ilieska, R., Gusheski, D., Chabuleva, M. & Gjorgjioski, F.: Hirudinoid fauna (Annelida: Hirudinea) in Dojran Lake – Republic of Macedonia – 7th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro ISEM7, 4-7 October 2017, Sutomore, Montenegro.
Stojanoski, S., Smiljkov, S., Ilieska, R. & Smiljkov, Z.: Fauna of Monogenean and Digenean Trematodes of Salmonid and other freshwater fishes from some Slovenian Waters – 4th International Conference on Parasitology, September 01-02, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Smiljkov, S., Stojanoski, S., Ilieska, R. & Gjorgjioski, F.: First finding of Endemic Leech Cystobranchus pawlowskii (Sket, 1968), parasitizing Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) from fish farm in Republic of Albania - 4th International Conference on Parasitology, September 01-02, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic